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Walk About Love

An E-Commerce site for travels

Re-designing and simplifying how users book a trip on the company website. 


Due to their cost, the need for advance planning, specialized equipment, and so on, Israeli trail tours are not easy to sell online. Consequently, my clients have had to explain the unique experience to prospective customers, which has taken a lot of their time. It is even more challenging now that the business has grown.

Main Problems

1. Organize a lot of information on the trial. 

2. A complex process for booking a trip.

3. Limited budget.

The Challenge 

A lot of information and photos about the unique experience of the trail are available, which makes it complicated to organize and explain.

The Solution 

Re-designing and simplifying how users book a trip online. The new flow designed as an e-commerce site makes booking a trip easier. By organizing the information, we made it more accessible and easy to join. 

Home Page: navigation and call to action.

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 Call to action: identify the team's current location, and quickly sign in to join the tour. 

Re-organization of the menu bar


Page of the Store: scanning and comparing

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Filtering tool has been added

Additional useful information such as 'The best time to travel,' 'Trip level', and more will soon be added, making comparisons between the trips much easier. 


Presenting 3 images in a row instead of 4 makes scanning easier for the user.  Also, make it more efficient for the content updates since the resolution doesn't have to be adjusted from natural landscape photos to squares. 

User Research 

Asya and I on the Israeli Trail Tour, April 2020, with Walk About Love

User Persona

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  • Google Analytics.

  • Tour agencies online research.

  • Interviewed participants about their experience.

  • Went on a few days trip to explore the unique experience :)


כנרת זמירי רקע בת 46, ישובי גדרות. גרושה

Design Thinking

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User Flow 

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The initial idea was to add an interactive map that would show the full trail, provide information on the location at any time, and link to a travel page with more details and quick registration. We wanted to give the user higher certainty on the trail location, as well as a delightful experience. But, the client couldn't afford it, so I had to come up with another cheaper and more simple concept.

Tree Structure

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Final project

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  • UX design

  • UX writing 

  • Interactive prototype on Axure

  • Content Consult 

What I've learned from this project

In this project, I learned how to get the client engaged, provide her with enough information so that she could make an informed decision. 

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